Thursday, July 28, 2011

Marriage Proposal

Some guys like to get right to the point!

Love the misspellings and lack of grammar!
Like paintertom, who asked me, in his first message, to marry him. Knowing how men like to cut and paste their messages to multiple women, I'm wondering how many other women got this short and sweet offer of marriage.

Paintertom is a 45 year old white male whose first date idea is to "have a toe curlin good time lol would like to have biscuits n gravy if you can make it?" Apparently he thinks an offer of marriage will up his chances.

For a few days I did nothing but show it around to my friends and we all had a great laugh. I hadn't intended to reply, but one night when I'd had enough wine, I thought "wouldn't it be funny if I said yes then listed a ton of problems I have" and so I typed out a reply:

God always has a way of being there for me and your proposal of marriage is just that; Heaven sent. Yes I will marry! I have 17 kids and am being evicted in a week. Assuming we'll live at your house. I have several big, strong sons that can help us add on a few rooms. Can't wait for the wedding night (which has to be this week by the way). I LOVE YOU!!!

Keep in mind my goal here was sarcasm and that I typed out this reply on my cell phone while sitting at a bar sipping wine. Still he replied with a "Come on with it then, you're cute!" -- only misspelled and without punctuation. I decided it was a good time to end this dialog. After all, I'd had my fun... and I was sober now.

Best of luck to you paintertom. You might try hitting on chicks at the welfare line or food pantry. Surely one of them knows how to make biscuits and gravy.

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