Thursday, July 28, 2011

About Me and This Blog

I've had an online dating profile for about a year. As I tell my friends about some of my crazy dates, they frequently say, "You should write a book." So I thought I would share my dating adventures with the world via this blog.

I'm older, 43, have a big family and decent career. I'm very happy with the way my life is. Thus, unlike other online daters, I'm not looking for The One. My goal is to have some fun on the weekends while my children visit their Dad, make new friends, and put a little romance in my life.

Because I've been deeply hurt in the past due to lying; I am incredibly upfront and honest. Full honesty is my only deal breaker. When I say honest, I mean being open, upfront, offering up information without being asked, and telling the whole truth. I'm not ready to give a man everything he needs and as such, I expect that the men I date are also dating other women. And because I've resolved to be single (best for my family) I won't date only one man. I will, however, be completely open and tell the men I date everything about what I'm doing and who I'm seeing. (Feel compelled to clarify that dating is not a code word for sex.)

I have fourteen children (eleven still living at home), three grandchildren and a fourth grandchild on the way. I wanted the big family since I was seventeen and attended the funeral of my great-grandmother. Of all the things she had done (which were quite impressive) I realized that her most important accomplishment was this huge family she left behind, her legacy. And the only people that were going to talk about her accomplishments for years to come was her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on.

My mother remarried and her husband didn't get along with most of us. I feel like she experienced a diminished relationship with her children and grandchildren because of her choice to have a husband. I never want that to be the case for me. I want my home to always be open to my children and their children.

I believe people have a right to make choices based on all the facts. Therefore, I tell the men I date upfront that I will not be in a relationship or marry again. I post all my dates on Facebook via the check-in feature and just try to be completely transparent. I understand that the men I date are usually seeking more and will ultimately find that one special girl for them. When that happens, I hope I've created the kind atmosphere where we could remain friends.

Ironically, my openness is often met with suspicion and distrust (or the conclusion that I'm simply looking to get laid). People in the dating world are horribly jaded, and in their defense, there is much lying and deceit going on all around.

These are my stories.... meant solely as entertainment.

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